Happy Teams
Great Leaders
Better Results

Don't let challenges steal the spotlight from your journey

In today’s world managers and leaders face various challenges. In a highly dynamic and changing environment they have to meet deadlines, achieve goals and lead their team. This can feel overwhelming, especially when facing challenges like poor employee engagement, high turnover or a poor team spirit. In order to meet all these demands can at times seem daunting for leaders to balance their own work and private life.

At the Happiness Management Institut we equip you with the tools to strive as a leader, empower your team and be able to stick to the path of your own journey.

Strive as a leader and empower your team as a Happiness Manager

Innovative Leadership Skills

Learn to lead more effectively, select and develop more efficiently. Motivate and excite your team. Master teambuilding with different generations, orientations or personal backgrounds.
Be attractive for current and future employees.

Enhanced Time & Goal management

Learn neuroscientific methods to improve productivity and focus. Apply strategic ways for accelerated goal achievement. Be less stressed with innovative time management skills.

Efficient processes & Measurement

Improve your work environment and processes with agile methods and Happiness Management. Measure your positive impact on employees, clients, the bottom line and the community. Use this data to feed your ESG-Reports.

Improved personal well-being

Enhance your charisma as you reach a higher level of energy and happiness, improved self-concept and vitality. Become more visible and pivotal.

Communication & Negotiation Skills

Be able to detect the needs and motivations of your counterparts, solve conflicts and negotiate more effectively. Enjoy your improved communication skills with employees and customers.

Coaching & Talent Development Skills

Identify unique talents and skills of your team members. Learn ways to develop them towards their maximum value contribution. Learn strategies to empower your employees to bring out the best of themselves at work.

Change Management & Crisis Navigation Skills

Learn to lead through times of crisis, uncertainty and rapid change. Identify early warning indicators and develop strategies for positive change. Master communication in each stage of the change.

Personalised Project Management Support

Have your team ready to apply immediately what you learn in your own project! Our experienced consultants and business coaches guide you and support you on the way. Enjoy immediate implementation of your knowledge.


Have your knowledge and achievement accredited. Use it for employer branding and personal honors. Show your impact on bringing more happiness and excellence to the workspace.

Your journey starts here

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Schedule a call with one of our team members so he/she can get to know you and help define where you want to go.

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Learn the techniques in easy-to-grasp sections and directly apply them in your own organisation.

Elevate Leadership

Enjoy a new level of team spirit and leadership with more impact, balance and fun.

We want everybody to tap into their own potentials and levels of well-being.

Scientific Methods from Neurosciences, Positive Psychology and Strategic Management.
Experienced Management Consultants, Scientists and Business Coaches with deep expertise in a wide range of industries and branches.
Proven results in various studies and publications.
Over 100 organisations participated in our programmes.

Let’s stop stressing out and work for happiness

Most leaders feel overwhelmed with today's expectations. At the Happiness Management Institut, we teach innovative Leadership Strategies derived from neuroscience, positive psychology, and turnaround management. This empowers leaders to become more powerful and elevate their team.

Business and team leaders carry a significant responsibility for the people they lead. They give their best every day to be a driving force for change and positive progress. Therefore, leaders, managers, or supervisors need to continuously develop their skills to be impactful leaders.

A leader or an entire organization is nothing without its employees. As every human being strives for happiness and purpose, both in work and private life, work cultures are adapting to address this. A great organization exhibits a high level of happiness and resilience, fostering a thriving and productive team atmosphere.

However, in times of rapid change, digitalization, AI, political uncertainty, and demographic shifts, leaders can easily become overwhelmed and stressed out.

We believe that everybody can and should achieve a high level of happiness and well-being and find meaningful purpose in what they do and how they serve their clients. In times of personnel shortage, crisis, or high dynamics, it can be challenging to find the right strategies to address all these different requirements.

At the Happiness Management Institute, we research, develop, and train innovative strategies to support organizations in driving change. We've supported over 100 organizations in positively impacting their people, processes, clients, or communities.

Schedule a call with us to find out how you can achieve a new level of excellence and happiness in your organization. We'll then determine if one of our programs is suitable for your needs.

Upon enrolling in one of the programs, you will start making changes immediately in your organization. Our exceptional team of experienced management consultants, scientists, and business coaches will support you individually along the way.

So, let’s become a Happiness Manager, unleash your full impact as a leader, and enjoy a productive and happy team. Make a positive impact and wow your clients.