Get certified as a Chief Happiness Officer and start transforming your organisation right now.

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Chief Happiness Officer

Its culture is the DNA of an organisation. When you impact the culture deeply, you change everything that is reproduced within this organisation.

The role of a Chief Culture Officer or a Chief Peoples Officer gains more and more demand in times of demographic change, disruption of familiar ways of operating by digitization and KI as well as a war for talents. As a Chief Happiness Officer you consciously drive values of well-being, excellence, connection and contribution to everyone affected by the organisation.

This affects every angle within the organisation, from a employee, client, shareholder and community perspective.

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Get your organisation become a driver for happiness, innovation and excellence. Become a magnet for new employees and clients.

This program is launched to help leaders, managers, business owners and HR directors to get access to tools, resources, content, and best practices to launch and deliver a strategic approach to Happiness Management and implement the plan within the organisation.

You will learn methods how to greatly increase your own Happiness and productivity and how to have a positive impact on the performance and well-being of your employees.

According to a study, happy organisations are 31% more productive, generate  147% higher earnings per share, 50% less safety issues and a 41% better quality. Also, their retention rate is 87% higher than their benchmark group. 

They are able to increase their employer branding and attract highly skilled personnel.

Make significant impact on the bottom line by supporting culture of happiness, excellence and valuable contribution.

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You will impact the lives of people who want to balance their work and private life

  • 8-weeks course with intense impact on your personal & leadership development as well as immediate implementation in your organisation
  • 2 full-day LIVE online workshop with your personal tutor
  • 7 weeks deep dive training material to enhance, practice and implement new tools, insights and strategies
  • Ready to use tools and methods
  • 8 weeks management consulting from experienced management consultants and business coaches to help you prepare and implement your workplace happiness project
  • Examination and Certification as a Chief Happiness Officer by the Happiness Management Institut
  • Ongoing access during and after the program to other executives like you as part of the Happiness Management Community
  • Participation of Excellence Awards and ceremonies

Accredit your participation and knowledge to promote a more positive culture

You will develop work environments and practices that encourage personal and group excellence and happiness


Employee Happiness

  • Enhance your leadership role with new insights, models and applications
  • Build a culture of excellence, inclusion and recognition
  • Broaden and build on skills and passions
  • Lead a striving team and contribute to the organizational mission
  • Create an example of employer branding for attracting and retaining high-potential team members

Customer Happiness

  • Form trusted and authentic Relations
  • Increase Happiness Touchpoints and eliminate happiness leaks in the customer journey
  • Create a culture of positive change and striving innovation
  • Go for product and service excellence

Community Happiness

  • Operationalise Environmental, social and goverance (ESG) norms, policies, and programs
  • Foster community collaboration and contribution
  • Strive as a great corporate citizen in social media and in public

Shareholder Happiness

  • Transferring the scientific correleation between organisational happiness and bottom line results into the organisation
  • Recognising diminishing Customer Happiness, Employee Happiness or Community Happiness as early warning indicators for crisis
  • Being able to identify, measure and control “Halo”-KPIs
  • Being part of an ethical and integer organisation that adds value in an impactful way

Learn the strategies and the application. Work affects both our physical and mental well-being — in good ways and bad.

  • The course includes incredible perks…

2 days Live Workshop with your personal tutor – dive into the the 10 modules and start building a framework for understanding and application. Make changes right away with your personal support.


  • 8 weeks  Deep-Dive Sessions by Global Experts

Access to the brightest minds in the mental and physical well-being space / Access to an Online Learning Management system (LMS) with great quality Happiness and Well-Being Content, videos & research papers and articles.


  • Personalised Management Consulting to implement your project

Transfer your knowledge into immediate value for your organisation. Define and implement your happiness project to enhance performance on at least one of the four happiness perspectives on the organisation: employees, customers, shareholders or the community. Have your personal experienced management consultant and business coach to support you on the way.


Learn from the experience of  scientists, thought leaders and management consultants realizing a world with happiness, consciousness, and excellence. For everyone.

The course is a condensed 8 weeks learning experience as well as a project management support.  It’s dynamic, interactive, and tailored to your specific needs. We focus on practical, real-world strategies and techniques that you can implement immediately to boost happiness, productivity, and team performance within your organisation.

Our program is delivered by experienced leadership development experts who understand the unique challenges facing today’s leaders.

At the Happiness Management Institut, we believe that happiness is not just a feeling or soft skill, but the ultimate value driver for organisations. We have supported over 100 leaders and organisations to cultivate a high-performing culture through evidence-based techniques and strategies.

Our Experts provide you with personalized coaching and support every step of the way, so you can confidently lead your team towards success.

This training is suitable for everyone who leads or trains employees and has a significant influence on the success of projects and orders: Management, Department Heads, Project Managers and employees from the areas of Human resources, Personnel development or Organizational development.

Course Content

  • Learn to lead your organisation with a happiness mindset
  • Learn latest tools and develop strategies for shifting your company to a new level.
  • Become a Chief Happiness Officer to inspire customers, employees and investors. 
  • Drive the value of your organisation immensely. Learn to measure and control happiness from the four different perspectives on the organisation.
  • Learn revolutionary corporate strategies
  • Why Happiness is the true driver in organisation and the only reliable early warning indicator
  • HSC – measuring and mangaging happiness on four perpectives
  • From crisis to excellence: Healing and Turning around the organisation with happiness
  • Effective Crisis Communications
  • The power of Emotions and Story-Telling
  • creating and driving change
  • Employer branding and strategies
    • Effective recruiting strategies
    • Successful retention measures
    • Outstanding employer branding
  • Corporate culture 
    • The Happiness Scorecard to evaluate employee happiness, customer happiness, the community happiness and shareholder happiness.
    • Strategies for new work, Industry 4.0 and digitization – ESG
    • Happy Organisation: Cultural analysis, measurement and transformation
    • Ethics & compliance


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An investment that is reflected in the happiness and performance of your work team

and your professional career.

Example Projects:

Employee Perspective
  • Improved the recruiting success of new hires with new Employer Branding initiative
  • Organisation of team event to improve communication and trust
  • Accelerate onboarding and increased retention rate of new people with new mentoring programme
  • Diminish sick rates and implement of burn-out preventation programme
  • Established a corporate health circle
  • Improved work environment for higher safety and efficiency
Customer Perspective
  • Improved customer journey by identifying happiness leaks and multiplying happiness touchpoints
  • Increased Call Center Effeciency and Happiness
  • Increased Sales Rate by training sales people
Shareholder Happiness
  • increased transparency and ensure ethics tra.s.s
  • Got certfied ssshO
Community Perspective
  • Increase ESG
  • Team Participation in a Charity Event
  • Offering a weekly conservation activity to staff and clients

Happiness should be a pri­or­i­ty for your organ­i­sa­tion, but it doesn’t have to be dif­fi­cult to imple­ment.

Learn and share with leaders like you.

 Join us


Become a Chief Happiness Officer.

Start making the positive impact the world needs. NOW

The program benefited to leading organisations to increase their expertise of Happiness Management
