The Happiness Challenge®
“Science Based Programme To Boost Your Vitality, Happiness And Overall Wellbeing…
Without Any Stimulants.”
If you want to improve your life for real and achieve a higher level of happiness and overall wellbeing, then this is going be the most exciting information you are going to read.
But First A Disclaimer:
This is not a programme for people having to undergo therapy and also not for people who are looking for a quick fix or short-term mood boost. The Happiness Challenge® is designed for people that are able and willing to challenge themselves daily over a longer period of time, be proactive and take responsibility for their progress and success. A lot of people do not make a fast or long-lasting progress at all with self-help courses, especially, if they are not following the directions or taking action.
With that said... let us show you...
Exactly What You Are Getting

The Happiness Challenge® is very different from any other course you have ever participated in, as it is designed to enable you to experience fast and long-lasting results in many of your life areas: Your emotions, your health, relationships, finances, career and finding a meaning in what you do.
The reason why, is that our Happiness Management Institut took latest scientific research from neurosciences, positive psychology, turnaround management and strategy from institutions like Harvard University, Oxford University or MIT, and integrated it into a multi-layer step-by-step system. The Happiness Challenge® works on many different cognitive levels to ensure accelerated learning and re-enforcement to create new long-lasting synaptic connections within the brain. This is the same method we use and teach in our offline-trainings that has been proven very successful based on the feedback by our students.
This challenge is rather a boot-camp or intense workout for enhancing your level of happiness and wellbeing. No time-consuming videos, long, exhausting explanations or lectures. Every day a short new straightforward challenge will be unlocked for you on your journey. Every day, you challenge yourself with a small task, exercise, or bio-hack, or learn a tactic which you can apply immediately, and has scientifically been proven to work. So, incrementally you increase your resilience, energy and happiness and measure your progress week for week.
Plus, you can monitor your personal progress and success on your Personal Dashboard. Following an evaluation of your happiness factors you monitor your personal Happiness Scorecard and control your progress in your various life areas on different graphs and diagrams.
It is an easy-to-follow programme with small little daily exercises, that, accumulated, will have an enormous effect on your overall wellbeing and happiness.
And it’s About more than just improving your Happiness
The daily challenges effect various areas of your life: Your health, your finances, your career, your relationship and your energy.
Here is a blink on what you are getting inside the daily challenges:
- A bio-hack that increases your vitality and energy immediately
- Struggling to lose weight? – a study why the key might be in your emotions and how to turn yourself around
- A task to instantly change your focus and manage your emotion
- A new method to improve your communications and relationships
- Insights from neuroscience how to achieve a higher level of happiness and performance
- How to eliminate self-doubt and use your strengths
- 10 ways to get a clearer vision of a Happier You in less then one hour. … see day 8
- How to get over a bad memory
- What is the best method to get yourself out of a funk? - Make sure you set time aside on day 6
- An instant hack to deal with overwhelm and stress
- Suffering from bad sleep? - This bio-hack might help you finding peaceful nights again.
- How to apply fascinating newest technology from neuroscience to slow down the physical aging process. Three small steps that you can apply immediately in less than 10 minutes a day. …..see day 101
- The fastest way to rewire your brain to experience more positive things daily (look forward to Days 4 and 5)
- A trick to be more organised
- The two aspects you should focus on when you want to accelerate your career
- Do you feel tired and lethargic at some times during the day? – This simple action might be the reason for it. Learn on day 3 how to improve your daily energy.
- A fascinating method to prevent back pain
- An almost "shamanic" ritual to strengthen your positive beliefs
- The fastest way to be more self-confident …. see day 16
- How to attract more people… see day 20
- The no. 1 thing to improve your relationships…… see day 13
- How to be in love again …… see day 12
- For people suffering from fears: A method how to overcome your fear on your own
- How to influence your hormones without taking medication or stimulants
- 5 things you should never do when solving a problem
- Breakthrough tactic to achieve your goals faster and with more fun
- The fastest way to improve your mood… see day 9
You're right ...that is a lot of battle-tested strategies and tactics. And it's really just the tip of the iceberg.
But it gets better because you're also getting ...
Daily reminders per E-Mail, send to your personal e-mail account introducing your challenge of the day. This makes sure you stay on track and keep your momentum going.
For the 90 day programme onwards (as visible progress in one life area needs some time): Access to your personal evaluation and a dashboard with your overall Happiness Score, as well as a chart for each of your happiness factors and life areas with key action tips. So you always have an overview of your current status quo and can take control over the various aspects in your life.
Access to a private facebook group with other Happy Challengers. You can connect and share best practices or find like-minded buddies to support you on your way.
Here is what to do next
The challenge can be started as a 28, 90 or 365 day programme, which renews automatically until you send us a simple e-mail anytime before.
As soon as you place your order, you'll get an automated receipt with a link to your login data directly in your email and you can jump into the first day of the Happiness Challenge® immediately.
You can access it online anywhere, immediately, without having to wait for joining one of our offline training courses.
Limited Time Offer
As a launch gift, we are opening up the 28 days challenge for 1 € for a limited time. So, we hope you like it and this will be the start to great journey of discovery and learning new scientific insights.
Start your challenge now…
€ 59,- € 1
28 day Membership*
Daily Email Support
Daily Happiness Challenges
Studies, insights and strategies to improve your Happiness Factors: Health, Wealth, Friends & Family, Love & Relationship, Work & Career and Goals & Meaning.
Step-by-step instructions, biohacks and performance hacks
Cognitive Restructurings
Lifetime Access to Private FB Group & Forum
€ 99,-
90 Day Membership*
Daily Email Support
Daily Happiness Challenges
Studies, insights and strategies to improve your Happiness Factors: Health, Wealth, Friends & Family, Love & Relationship, Work & Career and Goals & Meaning.
Step-by-step instructions, biohacks and performance hacks
Cognitive Restructurings
Further Resources to improve all of your Happiness Factors
Lifetime Access to Private FB Group & Forum
Daily Access to Happiness Scan
Personal Happiness Scorecard Dashboard
Key Action Tips to kick-start your Happiness Level
€ 299,-
365 Day Membership*
Daily Email Support
Daily Happiness Challenges
Studies, insights and advanced strategies to improve your Happiness Factors: Health, Wealth, Friends & Family, Love & Relationship, Work & Career and Goals & Meaning.
Step-by-step instructions, advanced biohacks and performance hacks
Advanced Cognitive Restructurings
Further Resources to improve all of your Happiness Factors
Advanced Methods to gain Higher Consciousness
Lifetime Access to Private FB Group & Forum
Daily Access to Happiness Scan
Personal Happiness Scorecard Dashboard
Key Action Tips to kick-start your Happiness Level
* Your membership will automatically renew each period and you receive access to further daily hacks and happiness challenges, unless you cancel subscription. Subscription can be cancelled at any time.
Become the most productive, present and healthiest version of yourself just by making one change
Improve your health, your wealth, your relationships and the way you think and feel… become the best version of YOU!
© 2019 Happiness Management Institut, Koeniginstr. 37, D-80539 Muenchen. All Rights Reserved.